Claim expenses and compensation for your cancelled flight

Each passenger has the right to compensation if the cancellation was made 14 days or less prior to the departure. And he also can have is ticket refunded or replaced without costs.

Flight cancellation rights

Passenger Rights in the European Union are ruled by  Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 February 2004. This EC 261/2004 Regulation establishes common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers who experience flight problems. Other laws, regulations and Court judgements expanded or clarified those rights. Each EU country might have his own laws but they cannot exclude or even reduce the Consumer Rights provided by EC 261/2004 Regulation.

Compensation Rules


Cancellation period:

You may be entitled to a flight compensation, under certain conditions. You may receive €250 or €400 or €600 for your inconvenience. A cancelled flight is considered eligible for financial compensation if it was cancelled less than 14 days prior to departure. You also have the right to reimbursement of the ticket price corresponding to the part of the journey that was not journeyed, as well as the part already journeyed if the purpose of the flight is no longer possible or existent or free rerouting (not necessarily by air route) as soon as possible or at another time if the passenger prefers, either to the final destination or to the original airport of departure.


Entitled flights:

– If your flight was inside the EU ; – If your flight arrived in the EU from abroad and was operated by an EU airline; – If your flight departed from the EU to a non-EU country ; – If you have not already received benefits for that flight problem under a similar law of a non-EU country.

Besides EU countries, Swiss, Norway and Iceland also adhered to this regulation. Other countries might have similar regulations (Canada, India, USA, Turkey and others) but they are not covered by our services. *All passengers have these rights, even those that are not EU citizens and/or live outside the EU.


Extraordinary circumstances:

You can claim compensation provided that the cancellation has not been caused by “extraordinary circumstances” such as adverse weather conditions and other circumstances beyond the airline’s control. Examples of extraordinary circumstances include: – Air traffic management decisions; – Political instability; – Adverse weather conditions; – Security risks; – Strike action, if outside the airline personel.

Examples of flight problems that provide compensation

Operational issues

The airline had to cancel the flight because of a problem related to the crew's planning, documents, cargo or fuel loading, etc,.

Technical issues

It is the most frequent. Something is broken on the plane and needs to be repaired. Includes accidents like bird or stairs strike or blown tire.

Rotation issues

The airline cancelled the flight due to previous delays or cancellations that hindered the normal operation of aircraft.


Problems due to strikes but not inside the airline, i.e. airport staff, fuel suppliers, traffic controllers.

How much the airline has to pay you for a cancelled flight?

Up to 1500 km


1501 km to 3500 km


More than 3500 km


How to claim your rights


Check if you are entitled

Enter your flight details and check the amount of the compensation. Quick, easy, no bureaucracy, no cost.


Submit your flight claim

Airlines usually refuse to pay. Let the experts do all work and pay all expenses. Then just wait and relax.


Get your money

When we win 75% is for you and 25% is for us. No win, no fee.

About Aireclaim

Suported and audited by the European Union

Helping thousands of passengers everyday

Trustful service and high success rate

What people say about us

Really good, really professional. It's not a quick process. And they take a decent chunk of the payout. But it's totally fair, all things considered. I really appreciate the help.
Dom Wintow
From Google reviews
Great job. It take time but in the end i was flying for free and get some extra 70e. If you ask me worth trying. You never know.
Marko Ivančić
From Google reviews
Highly recommended! From all the flight reclaiming companies I reach out to, they where the only one who successfully resolved my case. Got my money back. Thank you!
Mircea Rusu
From Google reviews

Ready to get your flight compensation?


Aireclaim is an European company ruled by the laws of the European Union, with a long experience in the consumer rights protection field, providing information and support to air passengers and enforcing their rights.

Abiding to high professional standards and hard work, along the past years Aireclaim helped many thousands travellers getting legal compensation due to flight disruptions and conquered a very positive image as a highly trustful and reliable firm.

Aireclaim is funded by the European Union through the Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, via the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with the purpose of the internationalization and promotion of the company, disseminating and expanding its consumer defence services in all countries of the European Union, in order to enhance its exports and turnover.

The company is committed exclusively to this area of operation and its workforce includes international lawyers, pilots and other highly qualified collaborators, so it can provide a great level of specialization, competence and success.

Aireclaim 2020 All rights reserved | Energy by Abia Digital

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